Tag Archives: penny dreadful

TFO’s Top 10 Favorite Scary TV Shows

I don’t know about you, but it is too damn hot outside for me to enjoy much of anything.  Put me in a  pool, and I’ll be fine, but I do not get how anyone can just sit outside in this kind of weather for fun/relaxation.

Aw hell no.

That’s why when summer rears its ugly head, I retreat to my nice, dark, air-conditioned house to watch TV, nap, and…nap some more.

What can I say?  My bed is super comfortable.

But I don’t write about beds or naps here.  I write about skeery things.  So for this Top Tuesday post, I thought I’d count down my top ten favorite scary tv shows.  What else are you going to do to avoid the heat?

TFO’s Top 10 Favorite Scary TV Shows

10. Scream Queens

Oh man.  This show cracks me up.  If you’re looking for a still-gory, kinda-creepy, but still funny horror show, this one is a safe bet.  Emma Roberts is hilariously bitchy in this as the diva Chanel Oberlin.  Watch this. It’s worth it.

9. Penny Dreadful

This show just ended unceremoniously, but I guess with only three seasons, it’s not a long watch.  Old-school horror icons are re-vamped (see what I did there?) and star in a macabre vision of Victorian London.  It’s really fun and really creepy.

8. Ash vs. Evil Dead

Another funny one.  If you’re a fan of the Evil Dead trilogy, you’ll love this show. It totally remains faithful to the over-the-top insanity of the movies.  So weird. So gory. So funny.  And it’s got Lucy Lawless in it, which is always a plus.

7. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy, Buffy, Buffy.  You were the OG.  She was a complete badass, and this show had so much going for it.  Vampires, witches, laughter, sadness, a musical episode – why wouldn’t you watch this one?

6. Tales from the Crypt

I’ve already talked a bit about this one in a previous post.  I love it.  You’ll love it.  Just watch it.

5. Supernatural

I’m going out on a limb here and putting this in my top 5 even though I haven’t actually seen all of it. *Gasp!* I know.  It’s sad.  I’ve only seen the first season (when it first premiered on TV) and a few random episodes here and there, but I’m about to remedy that.  Even if I haven’t seen all of it, I know enough about Sam and Dean to know that I can recommend this one highly.

4. The Walking Dead

I’d be surprised if you aren’t already watching this show.  I mean, who doesn’t watch The Walking Dead?  Nazis and commies, that’s who.

3. American Horror Story

If you’re attention-span isn’t too long, this show is for you since the story changes with each season.  Jessica Lange, Sarah Paulson, Denis O’Hare, Lady Gaga, Kathy Bates – there are so many great actors that have starred in this fun series.

2. Hannibal

This show is beautiful.  While some may find it a bit pretentious, I freakin’ loved every minute of the precious few seasons it was on.  Hopefully, it will come back in a few years (hope never dies), and we’ll be able to continue our journey with Hannibal as he eats his way through life.

1. The X-Files

An oldie but a goodie.  This show will always have a special place in my heart.  I spent many a weekend night watching agents Mulder and Scully do their thang.