Tag Archives: fake injury

April Fools

Prank day!  Has anyone gotten fooled yet?  Fooled someone yourself?  I don’t normally take part in this holiday.  Not willingly, at least.  I appreciate pranks, but I’m just too lazy to pull them off.

And it’s too bad that I’m lazy because this day is full of scary possibilities.  Have some costume blood handy?  Fake an injury.  Know one of your friends is home alone?  Maybe a creepy stalker decides to call them from a random number.  Just use your imagination.   But be careful.  You don’t want to scare someone so badly that they have a heart attack or shoot you if you surprise them.  Use your head.

On that note, severed head pranks are good, too.

One thing I will do to celebrate is watch the 1986 horror classic April Fools Day.  I suggest you do the same.  Maybe you’ll get some good ideas for next year’s pranks.  I won’t give any of the plot away, but I will say there are some bloody shenanigans going on.

I do not recommend watching the 2008 version of April Fools Day unless you just want to waste an hour and a half of your life.

Happy April Fools Day to everyone out there!